Plenty Sport : EZINE 16 SPECIAL OLYMPICS | Page 10
Recommended Movies about Special Needs
I Am Sam
Special Olympics
This is one of the best feel good movies
"Special Olympics" is a movie filled with
of recent generations. "I am Sam"
emotion that will bring a tear to your
delves into a script that speaks about
eye. Acting credits to George Parry's as
the specially challenged, who like every-
Matt. Add to the cast big name perform-
one else can laugh and cry. The great
ers like Debra Winger, Mare Winning-
acting is well supported by an equally
ham and Charles Durning and the end
great soundtrack which includes the
product proves most inspiring and en-
Beatles. Acting duties were well deliv-
joyable to watch. Also known as "A
ered by the talented Sean Penn, who
Special Kind of Love" the theme speaks
earned a nomination for the role. He is
of accepting and tolerating those who
ably supported by Dakota Fleming as
are just made differently but are very
Sam's daughter, Laura Dern, Diane
much like the rest of us. Give "Special
Wiest, Stanley DeSantis, and two actu-
Olympics" a look; It is very much one for
ally mentally handicapped actors. The
the entire family. The ability to love
script is stirring, sappy and for the most
sports is in all of us. And all of us should
part dramatic at best.
be given the opportunities.
A Beautiful Mind
Russell Crowe, the beautiful Jennifer
Connelly, Ed Harris, Christopher Plummer, Adam Goldberg all serve in this
Ron Howard story of the 1994 Nobel
Prize winner. The movie unravels to
The Ringer
It took a while for this movie to gain
wide acceptance from those affiliated
with the Special Olympics. Once it was
decided that “The Ringer” could humanize their athletes and bring more positive awareness to the SO organization,
address the issue of John Nash, a
The Special Olympics Chairman Tim
Princeton student and brilliant mathe-
Shriver endorsed the movie due to the
matician who is treated for schizophre-
attention it would bring. As indicated by
nia. As he battles his delusions, his
the Director, the film includes about 150
loving wife makes the difficult decision
disabled athletes and actors — the larg-
to stand by him through a monumental
crisis and demonstrate the values of
persistence and determination. The end
result shows that battling to overcome
the odds can lead to a fulfilling life.
est population of intellectual disabled
people ever portrayed in a mainstream
movie. The opportunity to show the
general masses that people with intellectual disabilities are multifaceted and
talented was proven.