PLENTY Magazine Summer 2021 | Page 8

With support from the Farm-to- Food Bank program , I will produce and donate 900 pounds of culturally relevant vegetables , including African ethnic crops . My commitment to healing our food system is a lived experience , directly linked to my life and that of my family and community . The food produced and shared with the community is a celebration of cultural heritage through locally grown food .
~ Nia Nyamweya , Beauty Blooms capacity , to potato diggers and pack lines that would increase the efficiency of planting , harvesting , and packing . “ Each tomato , eggplant , cucumber , and all other hard skinned produce we grow is hand cleaned and processed . Until now . This wash / pack line will allow us to process harvested produce much more efficiently and quickly ,” said Linda Lewis at Lewis Orchards .
This investment in Farm to Food Bank partners is not only a critical component of strengthening the self-sufficiency and resiliency of our local food system for the long-term , but also a mechanism to promote equity amongst agricultural partners in the County that have experienced long standing financial and land access barriers .
As the height of the growing season approaches , Manna Food Center anticipates close to an additional 65,000 pounds of
The ground is prepared for planting at Beauty Blooms .
local farm products being distributed through the food assistance network . As compared to the ~ 18,000 pounds of produce that Manna would procure from local farm partners in pre-COVID times , this increased amount will support a dignified , culturally competent food assistance experience , as well as better nutrition and better health , amongst the thousands of County residents accessing food assistance services . At the same time , as the County and the country enters a recovery period for the foreseeable future , the Farm to Food Bank Program continues to invest local dollars into local agriculture , and reinvigorate a thriving , interconnected local food and beverage sector and food system that is accessible to each and every Montgomery County resident .
Catherine , Bezawit , and Massa contributed to this article on behalf of the Montgomery County Food Council , a nonprofit organization that convenes 2,000-plus partners to cultivate a more resilient , sustainable , and equitable local food system by expanding food access and food education , supporting food businesses , and reducing the environmental impact of food . Jenna contributed on behalf of Manna Food Center , which strives to eliminate hunger through food distribution , education , and advocacy .
6 plenty I summer growing 2021