PLENTY Magazine Summer 2021 | Page 27

too ! You don ’ t need to purchase a fancy kit though . I recommend starting small with the essentials : small instant cold packs , a variety of bandaids , gauze squares , roller bandage , antibiotic ointment , aspirin or Tylenol , wipes , extra plastic bags , and hand sanitizer .
Being prepared ensures you will have the best time possible because you know what to expect and are prepared for most challenges .

-2- travel on durable surfaces

Durable surfaces are designated trails or walkways that have been intentionally created by a park agency . Our trail systems have been designed to protect habitat , prevent erosion , and provide a safe , clear route for visitors . Staying on marked trails keeps you safe from poison ivy and ticks . This principle can also apply to parking vehicles in designated spaces . When we park on grass or under the shade of trees , we destroy the grass and compact the soil . Compacted soil impairs tree root gas exchange and the rate water can filter down to the roots . This will lead to the detriment and eventual death of the surrounding trees and vegetation .

-3- dispose of waste properly

Everybody poops . Hopefully you have followed the first principle and know what facilities are available . Be prepared and pack wipes or toilet paper , and a small spade or shovel to properly bury your waste in the aforementioned cathole at least 200 feet from water sources and trails . Your cathole should be at least 6 inches deep . If you are not able to dig a hole , pack out your used toilet paper and waste . Ziploc bags work for this . REI and Cabela ’ s sell WAG bags that are a doublebag system offering a modest , hygienic , spill-proof way to pack out and dispose of your waste .
This principle also applies to pet waste . Picking it up is not just a way to be kind and courteous to other visitors ; it also prevents the spread of disease from our pets to wildlife populations . Unfortunately , we are finding lots of plastic poop “ grenades ” left behind by dog walkers . Please do not do this . Try putting a carabiner clip on your dog ’ s leash to hold a filled poop bag . If you are not willing to carry out the bagged waste , it is a lesser of two evils to leave the poop behind without adding plastic waste to persist in the environment .
Food containers , wrappers , cigarette butts , diapers , and fishing line are some of the articles of trash we see littering the park and waterways at Black Hill . I received a call last week from our local raptor rescue , Owl Moon , asking for assistance with a barred owl tangled in fishing line at the lake . This is not an uncommon occurrence . Place trash in the proper receptacles and if those receptacles are full , take the trash with you . Park staff does their very best to empty trash cans as often as possible , but the crowds of people inundating parks quickly overwhelm facilities . Packing out your waste and trash is the best
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