Acupuncture • Laser
Chiropractic • Herbs • Massage
Homeopathy • Osteopathy/FIT
Ozone • Reiki • Prolozone
Animal Communication
Dental • Labs • Surgery
Pema Choepel
Mallu, DVM, CVA,
MAc, LAc
Itch a lot, have hot spots, hair loss, or skin issues?
Have trouble getting up or going down stairs?
Feel sore after exercise or seem tired all the time?
Drink a lot of water or urinate a lot?
Struggle with intermittent vomiting or diarrhea?
Have unexplained weight loss or weight gain?
Get fleas despite topical flea prevention?
Eat a prescribed diet you must buy from a vet?
Our Integrative health care
approach can help you resolve
these issues naturally.
We believe your pets are family who
deserve compassionate and stress-
free care, and we expect miracles
through challenging the status quo.
12627 Wisteria Drive, STE C & D
Germantown, MD • 240-715-6570
effects on people, animals and
the planet are crucial to making
informed decisions about where
you buy your food. Farm-based
education can also give people
the knowledge to advocate for the
kinds of policies that have an im-
pact on important social issues and
the environment.
Planting gardens, saving seeds,
understanding your purchasing
power, and becoming familiar with
how food is grown, distributed,
taxed, subsidized and made cheap
through the exploitation of certain
people are the kinds of actions that
can begin to change the fabric of
our society. With a little inspira-
tion, education and caring, so
much good could be set in motion.
What if librarians started seed
libraries of pollinated seeds among
their bookshelves? What if parents
demanded of their school boards
that all students deserve access
in their cafeterias to nutritious
locally grown food? What if hous-
ing developers built homes into
the landscape with green roofs
for growing vegetables, or home-
owner associations set up CSAs to
support local farmers and receive
boxes of seasonal produce every
Tremendous ground could
be gained in simple ways if people
really understood how many
decisions within their control—
both collectively and individu-
ally—could contribute to a more
socially and environmentally just
and healthy food system—one
where everyone thrives.
Sophia Maravell grew up on a seed sav-
ing organic farm in Montgomery County,
and works at Potomac Vegetable Farms
as a community educator and farmer.
She is committed to bringing “culture”
back into agriculture as well as genera-
tional healing through connecting to
grief, land and our collective histories.
Keep your eyes peeled for slow moving turtles!
This Eastern Box
Turtle was spotted
trying to cross River
Road during morning
rush hour. Happily,
it was rescued and
taken to a safe area
away from traffic. In
Maryland there are
eleven species of box
and water turtles,
and many find their
home in the Agri-
cultural Reserve. In Native American lore the turtle is a symbol of the world; turtle
wisdom reminds us to stay grounded, slow down, pace oneself, and walk peacefully
upon on the Earth. We think that’s a nice reminder when we take time to venture out
into the Reserve. And if you see one making its way across the road, slow down and
take a moment to help the little fellow out of harm’s way.