Mon-Fri | 9 AM-3:30 PM Jun 26 - Aug 4 , 2023
Broadway @ BlackRock for Grades 9-12 T , W , Th | 4-9 PM Jul 10 - Aug 20 , 2023
Performing Arts Camp for Grades 3-8
Mon-Fri | 9 AM-3:30 PM Jun 26 - Aug 11 , 2023
12901 Town Commons Drive , Germantown blackrockcenter . org / summer-camp | 301-528-2260
Offsite Sports Meets the Arts Camp for Grades K-5 Maryland Soccerplex
Mon-Fri | 9 AM-3:30 PM Jun 19 - Aug 25 , 2023
Scan to learn more !
blackrockcamps . org
Celebrating the Sport of Steeplechase Racing in Maryland
sourced — and feeling genuinely grateful that it hadn ’ t traveled halfway around the world to my table , I became a convert . Nowadays , other meat that I eat comes from colleagues who similarly raise “ free range ” beef , pork or chicken . It too is an entirely different experience from most store-bought versions .
Just like enjoying homegrown or locally grown fruit and vegetables , the experience of eating meat from the animals you have raised ( or locally raised meat ), is a gratifying on many levels . For me , it is a profound exercise in gratitude , connection , mindfulness and honesty . No hiding behind packaging the fact that you are nourishing yourself from the life of another , even one that you nurtured , or may have seen in a field as you go about the business of your life . And we all are incredibly fortunate that this is available right here in the Reserve .
Sheep are often referred to as the ultimate multipurpose survival kit animals . We hope our work illustrates and provides opportunities for others to engage with sheep and what they have to offer us ….
The 70th Running of the Potomac Hunt Races
Sunday , May 21 , 2023 Bittersweet Field • Poolesville , Maryland For Details & Ticket Purchases : www . PotomacHuntRaces . com
The Potomac Hunt Races support the Potomac Hunt and their charity partner : Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors ( TAPS )
Lee Langstaff is currently the President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Countryside Alliance . She is past President of the Maryland Sheep Breeders Association and chairs the Fleece Show & Sale at the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival . After years in Washington , DC , where she worked for the EPA , the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration , the White House Council on Environmental Quality , and for a non-profit as a neutral mediator and facilitator for controversial environmental and natural resources decision making , she found her way home as a shepherd .