PLENTY Magazine Spring 2023 PLENTY - Spring Sowing 2023-Joomag | Page 26

Old Smokey BBQ

Old Smokey BBQ

Are you looking for some award winning BBQ ?
We are bringing our BBQ offerings to local farmers markets – where you can taste the difference in person and bring some home to your own family .
Saturdays : Kensington Farm Market Sundays : Bethesda Cental www . oldsmokeybbq . us
No-till vegetable beds of tomatoes and lettuces , with living pathways of clover , have been well amended with organic compost .


Busy to Cook ?
Let us prepare meals for you and for those special folks you care about ! Delicious homemade meals , delivered fresh !
EAT Well be well
We look forward to serving you !
202-438-7876 www . ew-bw . com allow the mixture to age outdoors , over time , in a rodent-proof area with occasional hand turning for aeration . When you start to see the raw ingredients turn into a rich , dark organic matter that should smell like the forest floor , your compost is ready to apply in your garden or farm fields . You can also buy compost from a local source that understands the soil food web .
In general , when making compost , most soil life creatures don ’ t like to get above warm , let alone cook at hot temps for long periods of time . Compost rested in the shade for as long as possible ( ideally a forest ), will become a whole ecosystem of living microbes .
Colonies of indigenous microbes can be added to accelerate the inoculation of beneficial organisms into any compost or degraded soil . In combination with other good land stewardship practices , composting is an essential piece of the puzzle of regenerating our soil for the health of all living things on our planet .
Pete Walton is a farmer , educator and activist who is passionate about soil health and reconnecting people to the joy of growing food . He is dedicated to applying regenerative methods of agriculture on a variety of scales , from tiny gardens to large-scale farms . walton . pete @ gmail . com