PLENTY magazine Spring 2022 | Page 5

Mending our ancient inextricable relationship

by Alejandro López
We must get back into a vivid and nourishing relationship to the cosmos and the universe . The human race is dying . It is like a great uprooted tree with its roots in the air . We must plant ourselves again in the universe . ~ d . h . lawrence

All winter long , I had plenty of opportunity to ponder global warming and the progressive degradation of our natural environment . That there had been little or no precipitation in my region during the coldest months of the year for the first time on record added a convincing three-dimensional backdrop to my concerns . The historic and spectacular suburban fires in late December in not-so far-away Boulder , Colorado , materialized as a result of the same , unusual prolonged dry spell across much of the West . It comes as no surprise that climate scientists attributed the unfortunate event to global warming to a significant degree .

After much reading and thinking , I have arrived at just two conclusions : 1 ) that our planet is dying because human constructs such as relentless economic growth and a fixation on our own ecologically disruptive creations preclude us from seeing the
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