PHOTO : Jane Thery
Travis Gorleski , the equine specialist with the Montgomery Soil Conservation District , made frequent visits to Wyndham Oaks ii for the documentation of the fencing layout and costs . The cost-share plan was based on the actual board fence used which is carefully measured and recorded .
really does require a commitment to the animal . This means horseshoes , feed , hay , veterinary care , blankets , riding equipment , coaching , training , stall cleaning , pasture mowing , building repairs , treats and the myriad of horse products available in Maryland . Each horse is an economic engine that needs local services from farm machinery maintenance to veterinary care .
The scenic beauty of a wellmanaged horse farms also brings aesthetic value to a rural community . Not only do horses at Wyndham Oaks II benefit from its careful planning , but the beauty of its design is enjoyed by their owners , riders , farm visitors , and passersby as well . Because the Montgomery County horse community is close to urban and suburban areas , riders
and horse lovers have a short commute to their hobby and passion in the Agricultural Reserve . And for horse farm owners , Wyndham Oaks II naturally serves as a source of inspiration for ideas on how they might approach landscaping , new construction and remodeling with respect to today ’ s environmental concerns .
For more information or to arrange a farm tour at Wyndham Oaks II , contact Laura Grout : laura @ wyndham-oaks . com .
Jane Thery is president and CEO of Green Horse Enterprises , LLC , a Maryland company with the mission of protecting and improving the health and comfort of horses and the environmental quality of equestrian lands . www . greenhorsellc . com