food for thought
Women Face Down Challenges in Natural Resource Careers
by jennifer scully
Women who work in natural resource careers do so because of one overriding desire — to be outdoors . At least that ’ s how it starts . They were the girls who climbed trees and had muddy knees because they loved digging in the dirt for something wriggly or slimy .
As the director of a nature center , it is my mission to provide space , positive experiences , and mentorship to budding nature girls . But what happens when that girl is 40 with her outdoor dream job , and still feels unsure , isolated , or just plain exhausted ? I have turned to my friends and women colleagues for advice and fellowship over the years , and I spoke to three of them who have inspired and energized me . I wanted to find out how they came to be in their chosen field , what challenges they face as women , and how their unique perspectives lead to positive outcomes .
The past couple of years have been hard for everyone . According to Oxfam International , globally , women lost more than 64 million jobs in 2020 , which is 5 percent of all jobs held by women . Women ’ s labor participation in the United States hit a 33-year low in January 2021 . Why ? The main reason is women ’ s care responsibilities are disproportionate to men ’ s .
While talking with Holly Thomas , we spoke about the struggles of mothers in the workplace . Holly currently serves as the acting Division Chief of Facilities Management for Montgomery Parks . She started studying Interior Design at Virginia Tech but quickly changed her major to Forestry & Wildlife Management so that she could spend more time outdoors . This is when she first became aware that she was entering a career field dominated by men . Holly found her way to Montgomery County Parks through an internship that involved opportunities in horticulture and forestry . It is there that she met her mentor , Shelley Bontz . Shelley worked for Parks for 35 years in horticulture , park operations , and leadership , often breaking through the glass ceiling . “ She taught me about being a woman in a man ’ s organization . Shelley was also a single mom like me . She provided guidance on everything from how to create and manage a budget to how to move forward within the organization .”
As Holly worked to build her career in Parks while caring for her young son . “ There would be times I simply could not come to work because there was no one to help me care for him . I have never been one to call out without a very good reason to do so . Once I couldn ’ t make an important meeting because my son was sick . The supervisor in charge of the meeting said to the group , “ Holly ’ s not here because her son is sick , or so she says .” When confronted , the supervisor said that he was joking . A Catalyst-CNBC survey revealed that 41 percent of mothers working in the US said they believed they had to hide their caregiving struggles from their employer . Holly ’ s example really highlights why women often feel like they must work harder than their male counterparts . Because of her experience , Holly works to keep balance between her work and
plenty I spring sowing 2022 29