Woodpeckers can peck up to 20 times per second for a total of 8,000-12,000 pecks per day while feeding , excavating nest cavities , and drumming . With each peck , they absorb more than ten times the g-force it would take for a concussion to occur in a human . sion , so many other species depend on the survival of woodpeckers , too . Losing the woodpeckers would mean losing so very much more .
As with anything , small changes on the individual level can have an enormous impact . It ’ s not enough to simply plant trees . We must allow the large old dying and dead ones to remain , for they are massively important to life , even in death . Beyond that , if you really want to help the woodpeckers , try putting up birdfeeders and suet feeders . ( Did I mention that they love sunflower hearts ?) Allow yard cuttings and leaves to remain in places where insects — necessary bird food — can flourish . If you have a mind to garden , consider planting things that grow berries , whether they be tree , shrub , or vine . And then , sit back and wait . With patience and a little luck you , too , could find yourself bragging about the flickers on your deck ! ( Cue — children ’ s eyerolls .)
Well loved for her wit , and self deprecating style , popular local storyteller , Pamela Boe , lives with her family in the heart of the Agricultural Reserve . Entertaining locals in the Delmarva area for decades Ms . Boe ’ s background as a former paramedic , avid outdoorswoman , mother , wife , and lifelong accident-waiting-to-happen resonates with readers across the region .
Heads up ! The time has finally come for 17-year cicadas to hatch ! Periodical cicada “ Brood X ” is set to emerge in our region by the millions this May to July ! Keep an eye out on trees for the brilliant orange and tan critters as they emerge and fulfill their single purpose : to mate ! It will be hard to miss them , as these prehistoric looking creatures announce their arrival with a ear-splitting , high-decibel symphony . So if you happen to be outside this spring , and cannot hear your neighbor talking to you over the fence , it ’ s likely to be because of this amazingly large brood . No worries ! They don ’ t sting , bite , or transmit disease , and the birds will enjoy the smorgasbord !
plenty I Spring sowing 2021 19