A collective of artists in and around the Ag Reserve
2022 TOURS : Oct 7-9 • Dec 2-4 Studios and galleries open 10-5pm each day Art studios open year round ( by appointment )
Meet the artists See where they work Learn about their mediums
Spend the day in the country ! Follow our map to reach each unique destination as you explore the beauty of Maryland ’ s countryside .
countrysideartisans . com
Shop the Reserve
The Bakery at Locals Farm Market . At all hours of the day , mouthwatering smells of fresh-baked bread waft from a small cottage at Locals while its baker , Iris Ramirez , and her team , mix , knead and bake each loaf to perfection . Our signature sourdough comes straight up or in unique flavor combinations like Honey Pecan , Everything Bagel Seasoned , Cheddar Jalapeno and Soulful Sourdough , a 4-cheese boule that unites Italian cheeses with our homegrown sourdough starter , creating a more perfect union of bread and cheese that will restore your whole soul . Other crowd favorites include Gingersnaps , Sunflower Snaps , Almond Shortbread Cookies , Seneca Snickerdoodles , and Magic Molten Chocolate Chip Cookies . Rounded out with scones , conchas , muffins , and sticky buns , our baked goods will solve the world ’ s problems . Or at least make your day ! localsfarmmarket . com
B Savage & Sons Farm , LLC
OPEN year Round
Thursday 12 pm - 6 pm Friday 12 pm - 6 pm Saturday 10 am - 4 pm
u Pasture Raised Beef , Pork , Chicken ( our farm ) u Goat meat ( Thistle Thickets Farm ) u Fresh Eggs , McCutcheon ’ s Products , BBQ Sauce ( Poolesville Pickers ) u Long Looked For Apple Butter ( Produced at Kingsbury ’ s Orchard ) u Hay ( square / round bales ), Straw ( square / round bales ), Deer Corn ( shelled corn ), Seasonal Produce , Seasonal Decorations , Hand Crafted Items , Goat Milk Soap ( Thistle Thickets Farm ) u Honey Effects Honey ( Joe Long ) u Home Baked Items
23035 Mt . Ephraim Rd , Dickerson , MD u 301-340-7111