PLENTY magazine Autumn Harvest Season 2022 | Page 48

Montgomery County Farm Bureau NEEDS YOU !
2 ways to become a Montgomery County Farm Bureau member
Selling and supporting the Agricultural Reserve for over 30 years .
experience equates advantage !
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Montgomery County Farm Bureau NEEDS YOU !

We promote and protect Montgomery County agriculture and rural life with the support of our passionate membership — ensuring the future of our natural resources , food supply , and rural heritage .

2 ways to become a Montgomery County Farm Bureau member

1 . Supporters of Agriculture ( Associate member )— you enjoy the products that the local farms have to offer ( vegetables , fruits , milk , eggs , chicken , beef , pork , soaps , cheese , and much more ), in addition to farm markets , farm tours , farm to table — you just want to support Montgomery County agriculture . 2 . Farming / Agricultural Entities ( Voting member )— you are a full or part-time farmer or work in agricultural related entities or industries .

Join us today ! Visit our website https :// www . mdfarmbureau . com / montgomery /