PLENTY magazine Autumn Harvest Season 2022 | Page 46


Farm Brewery :

The name says it all

by wib middleton

For anyone in search of a great place to enjoy craft beer and farm fresh fare on the western side of Montgomery County there is good news . Gabe Scott will tell you , “ It ’ s not easy opening a brewery in Montgomery County ,” but he and his wife Amanda persevered , and you ’ ll find Landmade tucked into the stunning 200-acre Aix La Chapelle Farm with its gleaming white barns and stately manor house off Route 28 just north of Lewis Orchard . This is gorgeous farm country and their brewery ’ s 33 – acre enterprise is a much anticipated addition to the growing number of farm-based ag businesses in Montgomery County .

Landmade is truly a farm brewery offering a full array of pale ales , lagers and pilsners in the traditions of the European brew masters . Everything that grows in their mature 8-acre peach orchard and extensive vegetable and herb gardens ends up in their distinctive farm beers or on their seasonally available farm-totable menu . The farm is spacious and inviting with abundant picnic tables and a fenced pasture for the sweetest miniature donkeys . The play area for kids is farm rustic . Recently felled trees cut into stumps of different heights magnetize the young ones for long stretches while making new friends . The menu is chef inspired , meat often grilled on the spot . Live music is starting to happen on the weekends and the vibe is slow-downand-take-it-easy while enjoying a great brew and scrumptious food . And there is a farm store with hand crafted sauces , pickled products and cool Landmade and Stay Grounded merch .
Jon and Joy Siegel purchased Aix La Chapelle eight years ago , painstakingly restored it and now offer the property for weddings , anniversary parties and other special events . Meanwhile , some 250 miles away in Manhattan , New Jersey-born Gabe Scott was keeping his dream of creating a farm brewery top of mind . He always figured it would be with his buddies from New York where he cut his teeth in the hyper-competitive restaurant world . “ My fondest childhood memories were of us five kids eating dinner with my mom and dad — every night . To me the most sincere form of hospitality is people sitting together enjoying each other ’ s company . I wanted to do that on an enterprise scale .”
So at 20 , Gabe began studying entrepreneurship at NYU with a passion developing for food and beverage in the hospitality industry . At that time , his older brother got him a job as doorman at a upscale 16,000-square-foot Japanese fusion restaurant . Being a morning guy Gabe front-loaded his classes and at 4pm went to his restaurant job . Twelve hours later he was back in the dorm . Sleeping ? “ I never slept a lot , and still don ’ t .”
In a few short years Gabe , mentored and armed with well-
46 plenty I autumn harvest 2022