included ; it was set aside for residential development . This opened the door for development east of the mainstem of Ten Mile Creek and east of I-270 — in the headwaters of Ten Mile Creek — and has led to ongoing battles .
East of the TMC mainstem , the extent of development to be allowed in the TMC watershed was made contingent on the biological evaluation of the impacts of development on Ten Mile Creek in the initial stages . The results of that evaluation were published in the 2009 report on Special Protection Area Monitoring , which found deteriorating stream conditions in the Clarksburg SPA largely due to the impacts of development east of I-270 on the eastern headwaters of Ten Mile Creek ( in LSTM206 ). Those results triggered the process
that led to the adoption of the Limited Amendment in 2014 , whose intent was to create further safeguards to protect Ten Mile Creek .
The battle to protect the Ten Mile Creek Watershed did not end with approval of the Limited Amendment , and Friends of Ten Mile Creek and Little Seneca Reservoir was formed in the summer of 2014 to continue the fight for the protection of the Ten Mile Creek watershed . A more detailed chronology that includes subsequent litigation and matters before the Planning Board can be found at www . tenmilecreek . org / history .
The current challenge is not only to enforce the stated intent of the 2014 amended plan , but also to identify options for further protection of this critical natural infrastructure in light of the impacts of climate change as well as development .
Photo : Alan Bowser
Sylvia Tognetti serves as the President of Friends of Ten Mile Creek and on the steering committee of the Montgomery County Stormwater Partners Network . She has worked professionally on land water and climate issues since 1990 and lives in a Silver Spring neighborhood she calls “ Muddy Springs ”. RG Steinman has lived in Montgomery County for the past 35 years and is a board member of FOTMC . She devotes her energy to preserving and protecting local ecosystems and restoring native biodiversity .
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