PLENTY magazine Autumn Harvest Season 2022 | Page 17

Lilianna with grandson Dominic hopes for a bit of rain .
of accumulated debris and cutting and burning piles of weeds . We also leveled the uneven land for greater ease in irrigation .
It is highly significant that the decision of the two women who chose to join the farming efforts of their sister , Rocío , was the very thing that drew others to the farm who were also considering joining the enterprise . Liliana ’ s two grown sons , a daughter-in-law and three grandchildren soon became part of the team of ablebodied farmers . They did so , as much to cover their own food needs and predilections as for the prospect of selling their produce at the farmers ’ market . We all applauded when Guadalupe , Estela ’ s hard-working husband , left his job at Walmart in order to come over to our side and do what he had dreamt of doing for a long time — spend quality time outside , work the land and grow crops . I too was recruited into Rocío ’ s newly cobbled team and given three long rows in which to plant corn and other indispensable vegetables .
Although now in a vastly different iteration , the family farm is , fortunately , once again up and running . Much to the delight of people who purchase our produce , the place is also highly productive . Everyone who visits here is deeply impressed not only by the health , beauty and bounty of the gardens , but also by the uplifting spirit de corps that pervades our little community of twelve people who work the land . In more than five years of working together , we have scarcely had a single gripe about another person ’ s performance . This is because we are all responsible and get things done right away before anything can become a problem . We are also good communicators and always keep our word . Although there is significant monetary exchange between us , the real currency amongst us is labor and produce , goodwill , interesting and pithy conversations and unsurpassed moments of deep and genuine camaraderie .
Lest anyone think that farming is all work , it is not . There abound plenty of opportunities during the course of the growing season when anyone wishing to participate can join us in a potluck or cookout . Other times , musician friends drop by to play a few songs under the old apple tree . This delights us to no end . Invariably , the musicians always leave with bags of produce under their arms . Other times , we simply stop working at the turn of a dime and enjoy long conversations while we take a break .
The positive effects on my extended family of the recent rehabilitation of the farm have been immeasurable . My siblings are astonished that their youngest brother could have been the principal agent for the revival of this treasured place with its timeless aura and valuable resources . They often muse about how I was able to accomplish this because from a logical point of
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