PLENTY FALL 2019 Fall Plenty 2019-web | Page 24

Tusculum Farm offers exceptional amenities for family gatherings, weddings, or special corporate events in and around its stone farmhouse, barns and seasonal gardens. While the home has been updated, some of the original 1747 stone walls remain to this day. Inset: The farmhouse before modern renovations. until his death. The land was later split among his children or sold off. Many descendants of the Griffith family still live on family land on nearby Griffith Road, and many are buried in and around Laytonsville. Since those early days, the property has been renamed from the original Sundown Farms to Tusculum­—the name of an ancient Roman city where Socrates was known to vacation. It was added to, sold, and passed down through the centuries by a handful of own- ers, eventually becoming part of the Freeman family history in 1964. While now smaller than the origi- nal property, the over 500-acre farm still stretches as far as the eye can see. A series of renovations and ad- ditions since the 1960s have trans- formed the farm and inn into the multi-building property that guests enjoy today. “While many updates have been done, it was important to us that we didn’t move away from the natural farm feel and historic charm of the home,” says Trish Schechtman, caretaker of Indoors or out, Tusculum’s spectacular barn and surrounding grounds provide ample space for a variety of activities for its guests in any season. 24 plenty I autumn harvest 2019 the Inn at Tusculum Farm. “At the end of the day, we want each person who stays here to feel the comforts of a farmhouse stay, but with the added luxury of a bed and breakfast.” Beginning in 2019, the Free- man family opened their home to guests full-time, offering accom- modations in four suites in the original farmhouse, a separate