Playtimes HK Magazine Winter Issue 2018/2019 | Page 43
Stillbirth and Neonatal Death (SANDS)
charity in the UK and is in the process
of asking for support from the Hong
Kong College of Obstetricians and
Gynaecologists. SANDS have agreed
to provide all their written resources,
allowing the content to be localised
and translated into Chinese. Subject
to confirmation and funding by Hong
Kong, RCOG have also agreed for
Mind HK to localise and translate
their information on best practice in
perinatal loss and perinatal psychiatry
into Chinese.
The information from SANDS and
RCOG will be available on the perinatal
psychiatry section of the MIND HK
website. Lucy and the team working
on Mind HK also hope to include other
information on postnatal depression and
perinatal anxiety, making it a one-stop
resource for maternal mental health.
Planning is also underway for a
conference led by the patient support
group to highlight how best to support
mothers and their families suffering late
pregnancy loss, recurrent miscarriage,
stillbirth and neonatal loss. The
conference will be inclusive, inviting
parents, obstetricians, psychiatrists,
family doctors, paediatricians,
midwives, nurses, social workers,
psychologists, hospital administrators
and the department of health. The
conference will have Professor Lesley
Regan, the 30th President of the
Royal College of Obstetricians and
Gynaecologists, only the second
woman to ever hold this role, and
Head of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
at St Mary's Hospital campus, Imperial
College London, as a key note speaker.
Teresa hopes that through this
combined effort the support system
in Hong Kong will improve. She hopes
to increase awareness to all party
leaders and influencers, such as the
government, medical staff and media.
And in Sharon’s words, “A baby with
wings is also a life, and I am also a
mum even if my hands are empty
and I simply embrace my baby with
my heart.”
Useful Contacts
Winter 2018