Playtimes HK Magazine Spring Issue 2020 | Page 14

maternity I f you’re newly pregnant, congratulations! Your body is about to go through some pretty amazing changes. As your hormone levels (estrogen and progesterone) rise during this time, they are working to create a suitable environment for your baby’s growth and development. Along with that, and as your body adjusts to pregnancy, you will experience some normal and common symptoms, some of which may leave you feeling uncomfortable at times. Below, you’ll find some common discomforts than many women can experience during any stage of their pregnancy and some suggestions to help relieve them. As every pregnancy is unique, you may not experience all of these symptoms or experience them differently. If you notice any changes that concern you, speak to your doctor. #1. Morning sickness This is one of the most well-known side effects of pregnancy. But despite its name, nausea and vomiting can often occur throughout the day and not just in the morning. It can be made worse in women carrying twins, or with a concomitant urinary tract infection or thyroid disease. In severe cases, if morning sickness can’t be relieved with medications, some women may be admitted to hospital for rehydration and intravenous anti-emetics. Relief suggestions: • Eat small and frequent meals of dry, low-fat, carbohydrate- rich foods. • Avoid strong seasonings and spices. • Drink plenty of fluids (but not caffeinated drinks) by sipping throughout the day. • Get adequate rest. • Stay in places with good air ventilation. #2. Heartburn During pregnancy, heartburn is another common complaint. This occurs because of the progesterone hormone relaxing the stomach’s opening, allowing stomach acids to come back up and cause a burning sensation. 12 Relief suggestions: • Drink plenty of fluids • Sometimes, warmer drinks are preferred to colder drinks to relieve symptoms. • Maintain an active lifestyle with regular exercise. • Eat adequate amounts of food high in fibre like fruits and vegetables. #4. Dizziness Although more common in the first trimester, the feeling of dizziness can happen throughout the whole of pregnancy. This is due to your body diverting more blood to the growing baby and uterus (womb). Relief suggestions: • Avoid crowded, poorly ventilated places and standing for prolonged periods of time. • When getting up from a sitting or lying position to standing, do so slowly. • Take healthy snacks throughout the day to prevent low blood sugar. • Avoid lying on your back from the second trimester onwards. • Wear loose, comfortable clothing. If the dizziness is associated with palpitations, be sure to inform your doctor as soon as possible as the combination of both can indicate a more serious, underlying health condition. #5. Swollen ankles, hands and fingers During pregnancy, your body tends to hold more water than usual. As a result, many women will experience swelling in their body (particularly towards the end of pregnancy and a few days after delivery). Your feet and ankles are the most common areas to be swollen, but you can also experience it in your hands, wrists and fingers. Occasionally, swelling in the wrist may manifest as carpal tunnel syndrome with numbness of the palm and fingers, but this usually resolves itself after pregnancy. Relief suggestions: • Eat small, low-fat meals frequently. • Try avoiding spicy food. • Avoid lying down after eating and wear loose-fitting clothing. Some women may need antacids to relieve the symptoms, despite adherence to these suggestions. Relief suggestions: • Avoid prolonged standing and wear non-restrictive shoes. • Put your feet up to rest when possible. • Do foot exercises regularly to get the blood circulating If you have sudden swelling of your face or limbs, or if your swelling is worrying you, it’s important to inform your doctor as soon as possible. These symptoms are a common symptom of a pregnancy condition called pre-eclampsia, which presents as swelling, high blood pressure, and protein in the urine. #3. Constipation Constipation can affect up to half of all pregnant women. It’s usually caused by the progesterone hormone slowing down bowel movements in pregnant women, leading to constipation symptoms. #6. Haemorrhoids This symptom usually occurs towards the end of pregnancy and after vaginal delivery as the enlarged uterus (womb) puts increasing pressure on the pelvis. Unfortunately, constipation can worsen haemorrhoids.