Playtimes HK Magazine Spring 2019 Issue | Page 33

health to overdose on as they are water- soluble, so they are excreted easily, but fat-soluble vitamins (like vitamins A, D, E and K) are stored in the fat and may build up in the body. This is why it is important to see a professional, so you don’t overdose your child.” Most dangerous of all is overdosing on iron – about a third of the poisoning deaths amongst children in the US between 1983 and 1991 were caused by iron supplements, leading to changes in packaging and warning labels. Violet suggests that parents start by thinking of “food before supplements. Don’t think a pill can be a substitute for nutrition, a pill can’t replace all the nutrients available in vegetables and fruit. Children will absorb enough vitamins and minerals from a well balanced diet.” Getting the balance right can be hard though. Katie says “From what I see, many children do not eat enough vegetables, fruit or good quality protein today. Many children eat far too many processed foods that are devoid of nutrients – such as cookies, crackers, cakes and sweets.” Unfortunately for parents, working to improve a child’s diet is a far more beneficial strategy than popping a self-prescribed multi-vitamin into their mouth. Aside from multi-vitamins, there are a couple of other supplements commonly used by parents. Lets start with vitamin D. Many experts (and governments) advocate giving vitamin D supplements to children, particularly during the Northern Hemisphere winter. However the research here does continue to evolve, with some of the original proponents now stating that vitamin D levels vary naturally in the population, so ‘normal’ levels are very person specific and supplements may be unnecessary. So should you give your child a vitamin D tablet just in case? “Absorption differs person to person, so without testing levels in each child it is not a yes or no answer. Many children don’t play outside much and when they do they are wearing sunblock, which blocks the absorption of vitamin D,” Katie says. Violet agrees that “its hard to obtain enough vitamin D from food alone. Due to heavy school work loads, children may not be getting enough vitamin D from sunlight, especially in winter time. They need 5-15 minutes of sun exposure two to three times a week, and longer in winter.” If you are concerned your child is not getting enough Vitamin D, and cannot increase their sun exposure, you should obtain a blood test before providing supplements. As previously mentioned, vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin (less easily excreted), so dosing advice should be sought. Vitamin C supplements are another popular choice. “The scientific studies have shown that vitamin C does not reduce incidence of colds in the general population, but may reduce the duration of colds,” says Katie. Violet agrees that having adequate amounts of vitamin C (as well as zinc and probiotics) in your system can help with fighting colds but “more research needs to be done for supplementation. People should try to obtain enough vitamin C from fruit like guava, orange, kiwi and strawberries. Zinc from oysters, fish, seafood, beef, pumpkin seeds and baked beans. Probiotics like kefir, sauerkraut, natto and kimchi.” Violet also highlights that the ubiquitous chewable vitamin tablet can cause dental erosion if used regularly, due to the acidic nature of vitamin C. There are times when supplemental vitamins and minerals are necessary. Violet states that “if a child is ill or has had an operation and been unable to eat well, extra vitamins and minerals can help for a short term until they get back to a balanced diet. Children on any type of restricted diet can require nutritional help. Children who refuse to eat a whole food group like meat or vegetables; those with particular allergies; and those on elimination diets or gluten free diets, may need supplements.” Whether a child should be given vitamin supplements isn’t a simple question to answer. Like most things to do with our health – there isn’t a ‘one- size-fits-all’ answer – despite what the vitamin packaging might tell us. What is clear though, is that the supplement industry is prone to wily marketing. What parent doesn’t want to make their child healthier? A lot of children (and teenagers!) are picky eaters, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they have nutritional deficiencies. Seek professional guidance if you are concerned, don’t just be swayed by clever marketing from supplement companies. Essentially, supplements should be used with care – just because they are not mandated to have child- proof lids, doesn’t mean they should be treated like candy. Thousands of children are treated in emergency rooms every year in the US because of dietary supplements, mostly due to unsupervised ingestion of a vitamin or mineral supplement. Keep them out of reach of children, handle them like medicine, and use only the best quality supplements when advised by a medical professional. Ideally, as Katie says, “let food be thy medicine.” References for statistics: ConsumerUpdates/ucm050803.htm faq.php news/press/503/multivitamins.html reviews/multivitamin_review_ comparisons/multivitamins/ iron-healthprofessional/ children Spring 2019 31