Playtimes HK Magazine September 2018 Issue | Page 62


Countries With HPV Vaccine in the National Immunisation Programme
Data source : WHO / IVB Database as of April 2016
cancer and ensure early detection . The HPV vaccine is a safe and effective method of prevention against HPV , and therefore cervical cancer . The vaccine has demonstrated high vaccine safety ratings worldwide , and has not been associated with any proven deaths or serious health issues 2 .
The Community Care Fund Free Cervical Cancer Vaccination Pilot Scheme was implemented in October 2016 to provide the HPV vaccination to girls in low-income families who meet the criteria of the CSSA and the School Textbook Assistance Scheme for their families 3 . As of January 2018 , the Family Planning Association has vaccinated more than 10,000 girls through the pilot scheme , roughly about one-third of the programme ' s target participation .
About cervical cancer screening There are no specific symptoms in the early stages of cervical cancer therefore it is vital that women undergo
regular checks to ensure an early diagnosis , which in return can ensure higher cure and survival rates .
It is suggested by the World Health Organisation that women aged 30 to 49 should go through cervical cancer screening at least once in a lifetime and , even better , schedule regular checks on a three-to-five year basis . Of course , women who are not in this age range but who are sexually active ( before 30 years of age ) or that have never taken the test before ( after 49 years of age ) are recommended to undergo the test .
The Pap smear is considered the most simple and cost-effective way for women to be screened and will set you back between $ 100 to $ 1,500 in Hong Kong , depending whether you go down the public or private route . If the results come back normal , women are suggested to have their screenings in three-year intervals , although most private physicians or gynaecologists in Hong Kong suggest one-year intervals .
In recent years , co-testing , which is a combination of a high-risk HPV test and Pap test has provided an efficient option for busy Hong Kong women . If a woman has undergone the first co-testing with a negative result , she can wait up to five years before returning to the doctor . The HPV test costs $ 2,500- $ 4,000 and is only available in private practices . In the private sector the full course of the vaccine costs at least $ 3,000- $ 6,000 .
Treatment of cervical cancer
In the early stages , when cancer has only attacked the cervical cells , surgery is the best option for removing the abnormal cells . Women remain fertile after this treatment . If cancer is detected in the very early stages ( stage IA ), the survival rates are as high as 93 per cent after five years .
If the cancer is detected in the late stages ( stage III & IV ) surgery alone is not enough , as the cancer has , in most cases , metastasized to other organs . Therefore , radiotherapy ( potentially
2 WHO . Global vaccine safety . Essential medicines & health products 20 . Information Sheet : Observed rate of vaccine reactions , Human papillomavirus Vaccine . December 2017 . http :// apps . who . int / iris / bitstream / 10665 / 255353 / 1 / WER9219 . pdf ? ua = 1 3 Community care fund Free cervical cancer vaccination pilot scheme . https :// www . famplan . org . hk / ccfvaccine / Cervical _ Cancer _ Vaccination . html
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