Playtimes HK Magazine May 2018 | Page 56


their students . Yet increasingly the type of education required for 21st century learners requires these very elements . At any given time , there will be students in a school who will require some form of additional support , whether as a shortterm specific intervention programme or an extended duration programme for those students who need more constant support . Most schools will have an additional support mechanism in place , some will be provide that within the classroom and with good quality differentiation . Whether a school is providing additional support or finds it is unable to cater for the child ’ s needs , it must be able to have an open dialogue with parents regarding the additional needs of the child .
The fourth point relates to the situation that Lee ’ s parents found themselves in . Most schools are aware of their own limits and will ask parents to seek out additional support or assessment beyond school hours . Being asked to see someone outside of school isn ' t necessarily a bad thing ; it would indicate the school has exhausted all of the options it can access with its own resources . If additional needs of students are not being met in school , recommendations from external professionals can help . Even with recommendations from the school , it is inevitably up to parents to find professional help independently . A parent ' s worst fear is having their child admitted into a school only to be told there are issues with meeting their child ’ s needs .
My fifth point is perhaps the most important . I believe that parents know their children best . They will take on the system if it will help get their child what they need to be successful . But this is much easier with professional support .
Even with comprehensive knowledge of what services exist in Hong Kong , it often feels like you need an expert to help navigate a school ’ s varied and multiple systems . Educational consultants can arm parents with knowledge in areas of assessment , therapy , and support services . They offer services that can focus on shortterm interventions a child may need in terms of admissions or transitioning between institutions , to more specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia , ADHD , autism , dyspraxia , and a variety of others .
Although such professionals are common in the US , the UK and Canada , Hong Kong has few professional advocates to support parents . Having an advocate has many advantages , but none so fundamental as an emotional ballast that parents can benefit from .
A good professional will be able to evaluate and assess the needs of your child and will know what the next steps are in order for your child to be supported both at home and at school .
Advantages of working with professionals :
1 . Speaking the language Professionals know the channels and procedures , what is possible and what is less likely . Plus professionals that are external to the school system can see clearly and passionately advocate with you on behalf of your child . But they won ’ t get flummoxed with the terminology ; they know the acronyms . They are not intimidated by registers or the matrix of differentiation .
2 . Quality involvement Professionals know how to manage meetings to get the best out of them .
They will know how to locate the most appropriate therapist and paraprofessionals . They know what good quality goals and targets look like .
3 . Avoid the runaround It is important to know when parents are being asked to do something unreasonable or something that the school should be doing itself . Professionals know what should already be in place and what needs to be done to get there .
4 . Take the burden off . Your job as a parent is to parent . They are your children to enjoy , as well as to nurture . It is okay to take some weight off and let the professionals work it out ; you will be there each step of the way !
If you choose to advocate for your own child
1 . Focus on your child ’ s strengths . It will keep everyone motivated and remind all who are working with them that they are very capable in certain areas . It is through the strengths that options for support can be found . If your child has a strength with music but is struggling with concentrating and listening to the teacher in class , then maybe musical interludes are called for .
2 . Keep communicating . Your child will be spending a lot of time in
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