Playtimes HK Magazine April 2018 Issue | Page 57

features Going for a quick run, or a coffee with some friends, helps increase efficiency and productivity over the long term. We have all read studies that show us how daily physical activity won’t only improve your health, but it can also be the key to maintaining a balance between home and work. Take some time. Secondly, things to believe in Role-model equality We tell our children that women are equal to men, but are they really going to believe it when they see Mummy (and rarely Daddy) drop everything to rush to school every week? As society dictates, the lesson to many children is that their father is so important that he can't possibly be disturbed during the day. But by sometimes not being there we show our children that women's time and work is just as valuable as men's. And that is okay. As is Daddy showing up at school. Teach independence and self- reliance Happy, resilient children believe they are capable of doing things on their own without always having mothers as a safety net. By not always being there, we help our children to learn to achieve internal satisfaction. Assigning chores and teaching responsibility in the home without nagging and niggling are important. Role modelling hard work and allowing the children to experience disappointment is not always a bad thing. It’s life. And once they are doing everything on their own without complaining … well that frees up a lot of time too! Let’s get there together Let’s help each other out – are we actively mentoring and sponsoring other women? Professional women are stronger together. The more often women (and men) partake in flexible, part-time and family leave options, the more normalised it will become. Grow your circle of trust We all see the world differently, especially the corporate world. Create a base of professional women or like-minded friends in a similar situation. Or look for themed groups on social media. It’s such a great way to share tips and cut corners, gaining a lot more time. Choose a good team This is so obvious and makes such a difference. Pick the right helper for your home – spend time with her to ensure you get out what you put in. Pick the right staff for your office – interview your candidates well. Hang out with friends that make you feel good and relaxed. Trust those you take on board. Delegate and be a good leader Empower your team – make them feel heard, loved, respected – So obvious… but you can only do it when you have a good team in place. Manage your own schedule Let people know when you can make it. Make sure you don’t miss those vital school events… your friends and clients will have other available slots too. ‘Mother’, ‘employee’ and ‘me’ are not separate roles – as philosopher John Locke said “a person recognises himself as the same being throughout his life, in different times and places”. You are one person, indivisible, who just happens to wear many hats. Be proud and find the best way to do it. April 2018 55