Play Channel Magazine Volume 3 | Page 33

Matthew Becker: I got involved because of working with BK and Brayden Patterson and a lot of the other cast and crew on Hercules with David Malone. BK approached me towards the end of that project and said “Hey man, we’re looking to do a TV show and we’d love it if you’d do it with us, and I was like “Yeah man, I’m interested.” And it just escalated from there.

NM: How do you and Matthew know each other?

EM: We see each other at Mozingo (fine arts academy) because we’re in two different plays there. Between rehearsals we see each other for 5, 10 minutes each Tuesday. Mozingo has a lot of theater and singing lessons, classes, pretty much like a performing arts place.

NM: Matthew, can you tell us a little about your character?

MB: I play Griffin Sundeen, a freshman, really a young kid. I like the way he’s developing, and I feel most people won’t see all sides of him until towards the end of the season, because his dad died. You just see the sadness that he feels, and I can’t wait to show that on screen.

NM: So Erin, what about your character’s family life?