Platt Card Fortune Telling Divination | Page 60

CARD FORTUNE TELLING 56 — Early marriage and possible widowhood. —Unexpected news. Four. —Trouble through friends, a secret betrayed. Three. — Quarrels and legal troubles. friends. Two. — An engagement, but against the wishes Six. Five. of The Spade Ace. Suit. — Great Death Misfortune. when the card is reversed. —Dark people and — Grief and trouble. Nine. — Sickness and misfortune, a most Eight. —A warning to be much trouble. Seven. —Loss of a —Money through hard work. King, Queen and Jack. their thoughts. Ten. imlucky card. careful. friend, Six. — A bad temper Four. —Sickness. Three. — A journey. Five. Two. Be value —A removal. careful to notice come that causes trouble. if two or more cards of the same together. Two Aces. —Tricker}^ — Good news. —Danger and Two Kings. — A business partnership or the joining with some enterprise. a friend Three Kings. — Important business, generally successful. public honours. Fom- Kings. — Rewards, A meeting with a Two Queens.'— Three Queens. — Four Queens. —An entertainment of some Two Jacks. —Evil intentions. Three Jacks. —False Four Jacks. —A noisy party, drinking. Three Aces. Four Aces. failure. in dignities, friend. Visits. sort. friends.