Platt Card Fortune Telling Divination | Page 51

METHODS OF GREAT DIVINERS and show 47 and jealousy. Spades indicate and lack of initiative. When good cards surround the number under consideration, it gives an augury of the best results but if Spades or Diamonds fall thereon, and are surrounded by good cards, it promises obstacles and delay. When Spades fall thereon, and are surrounded by evil cards, such as Jacks, Spades, and Diamonds, it portends failure in that particular indicated by the number. The following numbers deserve special comment spite, envy, failure, treachery, malice, ; : No. 5 equally shows all risk by lottery, cards, or other games, racing, things burnt or flooded, and speculations of all sorts. No. 6 denotes all and every object of desire, whether money, love, legacy, or anything not as yet attained and not depending on one's owti efforts, as do the ambitions. No. 35. No. 7 shows equally the result of all lawsuits, adjudications, the recompense of superiors, etc. No. 9 includes ship, friends, No. 16, all associations, such as marriage, partner- and business engagements. If the consultant then the interpretation is be married or under age, capable of modification. No. 21. This includes all kinds of rival interests, whether in marriage, love, business, or competition.