Platt Card Fortune Telling Divination | Page 45

METHODS OF GREAT DIVINERS 18. 41 Happiness. Hearts. — Your and affections are well placed Nothing hinders your happiness. Clubs. With prudence and attention you recipro- cated. — touch will the springs of happiness. — You seize pleasure with too You run great risks and are liable to Diamonds. hand. and jealousy. Spades. Your pleasures — desperate a excite anger will be of short duration. Be careful they are not the cause of your undoing. 19. Inheritance. —You have every reason to expect Clubs. — You may expect a legacy from a Hearts. a consider- able inheritance. friend. —You Diamonds.- will engage in strife and ceedings which will cost you more than you gain Spades.— If you have any is right to Look well pro- legacy. an inheritance there by means of deceit on the ahead, and provide for con- great danger of your losing part of others. legal by it tingencies. 20. Treachery. Hearts. you by — Rest assured that the evil directed against and traitors will fall on them alone. have time to thank your friends for a timely deliverance from plots directed against your welfare. Diamonds. Time will efface the effects of treacherous Clubs. false friends —You will — and spiteful actions. But you will be very much upset by discovering the danger you are in. Spades. Scandal, loss of friends, and deceitful dealing plots — are to be expected. 21. Rivals. Hearts. Make —You overcome the most of it. all rivalry. The day is yours.