Platt Card Fortune Telling Divination | Page 39

METHODS OF GREAT DIVINERS We 35 strongly advise the reader to copy this plan in a size large or card. enough to take full-sized cards, either on Hnen (See Fig. on page 48.) The cards touching the significator of the consultant must be regarded, i.e. those that are above, below, right, and left of it, and those that touch it obliquely to the right and left, above and below. These nine cards (including the significator), taken in relation to the positions they occupy, will determine the condition of the consultant, his hopes, success, obstacles, The other cards ing the to and dangers. by one, accord- are then interpreted one positions they occupy together with their general signification. In this latter respect the Two of Diamonds signifies the confidant of the consultant ; and widowers, or the lover the consultant, or anyone of it also serves for wid