Platt Card Fortune Telling Divination | Page 32

CARD FORTUNE TELLING 28 Take, however, a simple illustration as a guide to the The King of Clubs falling between the Nine of Spades and Ace of Spades (reversed) would indicate that the consultant, if a Club man, is in immediate danger of death or of very severe illness bringing him near to death. If, however, an Ace of Diamonds and a Ten of Hearts were on either side of the King of Clubs, he would be on the eve of marriage and in a very happy condition of mind. Several Court cards coming together show assemblies, gatherings of people, and festivities, public functions, etc. with the Ace of Spades, in a church, theatre, or other high building with the Ace of Hearts, at the house of the consultant, and so on. the The Kings all coming together show business the Jacks, Queens thus placed show talk and scandal workmen about the house, agents, and servants, danger of trickery and if evil cards add their testimony, it may be detectives or bailiffs, c reditors, and other unpleasant general method. ; ; ; ; ; visitors. The Aces falling together denote new surroundings, with success or failure according to the cards that follow them but the Aces always show a change of life when ; falling together. N.B. of the — If Queen husband the consultant be married, the King or same suit must always be taken as the or wife. Position Much importance card attaches to the position in which any falls in relation to Above the the significator. significator denotes success, achievement, the wish gained. Below, denotes that which is past, completed, obtained, the condition in which the consultant now is.