Platt Card Fortune Telling Divination | Page 22

CARD FORTUNE TELLING i8 no one knows how far-reaching go. It any impossible for is deny that the Present to the Future influence still —to its remorseless grip may thinking, reasonable person — or the Past — does what extent and must may this go is a mystery. The essential same as in the behind Cartomancy feature exactly is several other forms of Divination person whose future influence matters. Some —the some way to be read must in is Diviners use a Crystal that has been held in the hands of the questioner, who thus personally affects the Crystal, and, so it is claimed, causes Other Diviners ask for some visions to appear therein. personal article, closely associated with the person whose future in question. is so safe, as that it is Obviously solely personal is handkerchief is this one individual. to often used, but it that either of these must carry besides those of the owner. but even then there or dresser method is one's would handle her may maid A not quite any practically impossible to use A article glove or seems perfectly clear many other influences lock of hair seems best, be the influence of one's hair- —especially a lady's-maid, mistress's locks every day who in the or- dinary course of her duties. To a great extent this question of " mixed " influences must also affect the Crystal, apart from the close intimate touch of the Diviner if he or she holds it in the hands. For this reason a black velvet pad is often used for the support of the Crystal after the questioner has handled But it it. is obvious that this precaution cannot be fully as each questioner in turn must handle the and thus affect it, though to what extent is not known. The most accurate result I have ever come across, and it was startling in its exact truth, was made effective, Crystal,