Platinum multimedia Magazine Platinum Multimedia Magazine | Page 16


Any answer to this question will Ultimately boil down to personal Opinion. But i do have the facts to Back up mine. Answering an age-old question of who does it best, Marvel Cinematic Universe movies seems to continuously top the DC Comics adaptation at the box office the numbers do not lie. 2018 Marvel releasing Black Panther the third largerest grossing movie of all-time and the highest grossing Marvel film and Avenger infinity wars racking in over 2 billion worldwide, Deadpool ,AntMan and the Wasp and Venom and spiderman into the spider verse Incredibles. 2018 all marvel movies grossing over 5 billion DC comics just releasing 1 movie AQUAMAN

The strife between Marvel and DC has waged since the comic book powerhouses were founded all those decades ago.While the bosses behind the scenes may be able to play down the competition, you can walk out onto any street and find a comic book fan arguing their corner for which is the better publisher. Marvel's releasing 5 big movies namely Captain Marvel ,Avengers End Game, The New Mutants, Xmen Dark Phoenix, Spiderman Far from home with DC Studios releasing just 2 movies Shazam and Joker.