Platinum Magazine Jan 2014 | Page 10


Tina Bunifa Latifah Halifah Sharifa Mariah Madea Conifa Davis Was born in Paris, France to Tim and Trina Davis. At age of 26 , shes at the

the forefront of her career and is also engaged to be married on new years ! She is the editor of Platinum magazine and she also a businesswoman who is owner of the one and only Tina Davis Corp. who also sponsors the Platinum magazine , and one of their newest project , is a gift from her to her husband is T + L liquor collection , which has comes in 3 flavors atm , which is matching the wedding colors she chose for her wedding. Now Tina Davis says ‘’ I had a wonderful christmas with friends and somewhat family , and best of my surprise only 1-2 days later i get propose to , what a wonderful christmas gift , because I always wanted to get married , and now i have my fiance Lorenzo Prada , and His daughter Milan , and also the whole family is such a delight ‘’.