Platinum Kids January 2016 vol 1 January 2016 vol 1 | Page 15

Good ideas to write about, for kids, may not be as difficult as you think. Kids have a vivid imagination and they can transform something that we may find extremely dreary into something full of life. They have a totally different perception of things around them. This helps them in expressing their thoughts and ideas in a unique way, which may never have occurred to us in the first place. So if you want to experiment with some good topics that kids can write about, read the lists below and take your pick from the lot.

Some Topics that Kids can Write About

The sections below will equip you with a lot of topics for each stage in a child's education. Remember, while expressing one's opinion through his or her writing is totally alright, care must be taken to ensure that in the process, no other person (student or teacher) gets offended. Hence, close monitoring and regular writing exercises will help in honing the writing skills of the students. So, go through the lists below and take the cue from them to give to your students.

Elementary School

What can kids write essays about? Don't worry! Here's a list of topics that you can ask your elementary school kids to write about.

My favorite color

My pet

Why I like to _______

If I had superpowers...

My three wishes if I ever meet Aladdin's genie

How I learned to tie my shoe laces

Why I like butterflies

When I grow up I want to be a .....

... and that is why I will never tell lies again

My familyMy favorite flower/game