Platinum Advertisement Magazine October volume 6 | Page 30

Tips to get over your ex

Is it time to dust yourself off, get over your ex, and start moving beyond the whole divorce drama? While you can't totally wipe the slate clean, there are steps you can take to stop thining about him all the time so you can concentrate on enjoying the life you have now. Just keep reading to get some ideas to help you jumpstart the healing proces.

Woman with a wondering expression on her face

Divorce is hard enough all on its own. Experiencing lingering thoughts and dwelling on your former spouse is natural, but can hinder your healing progress. Of course, there are plenty of sources to go to for divorce support, however, I believe in teaching self-empowerment so you get the big "win!" at the end of the day. Here are my best practice tips for getting over him and moving on!

Examine the expectations you've placed on yourself.

Are you expecting to neutralize all positive feelings you have towards your ex? Do you still love him and are beating yourself up for it? Stop. While society may have us believe that we should "just get over it", and "he was no good for you", it's just not that simple. Who made it "bad" to love another just because you're not in a relationship anymore?