Platinum Advertisement Magazine Nov/Dec 2018 Vol 39 | Page 9

Hello IMVU Community. I'm sitting here with MsKimoraNuBraxton723. She is a business owner in IMVU. Not only is she a business owner, she assist the less fortunate members of our community and have been for a long time now.

MsQG: Hello MsKimoraNuBraxton723

MsKimoraNuBraxton723: Hello hru?

MsQG: Blessed. Now MsKimora if I may call you that. Can you tell the community what inspired you to assist the community in this way, and tell them what it is you do?

MsKimoraNuBraxton723: Yes, please Kimora is fine. When I first started in Jan 2011 I was a noob like we all were, and I came to the IMVU world ugly and not knowing anything , I was picked on ,booted,and mistreated. No one willing to show me anything or teach me. I seen some pretty girls and they were beautiful. I wanted to be like them I knew I should because I know what woman say behind they computer ,so I felt teach me show me but they wouldn't they'd hurt my feelings instead. Booted me, stomped me and I stop going around the pretty girls. I went in rooms and found woman that was new to IMVU and was a noob too and we started to learn together.

MsQG: That's sad but true. That happens when starting in IMVU

MsKimoraNuBraxton723: And I said to them and myself I will never treat people the way we was treated. I'm going to open a business and give all the new ppl a chance to take care of themselves and there families. So I opened a hotel.

MsQG: That was your first business?

MsKimoraNuBraxton723: Yes.

MsQG: And you gave ppl a job by working there?