Platinum Advertisement Magazine Nov/Dec 2018 Vol 39 | Page 85

Boundaries ... Are they necessary?

By Ginelle FireHeart

This topic may be a bit tamed for a commentary. But it really isn't as tamed, simple and easy as it sounds. It is to the contrary. It's a novel idea in this current society's radical attitude about individuality. And what I am expressing here is individuality is shunned and perceived as selfish and egotistical. So setting boundaries are seen as self-seeking and introverted ... even at the brink of being Machiavellian (hmm perhaps another topic to explore). However, boundaries are healthy and is attributive to a healthy life. Without them, life can be insane and chaotic.

Boundaries are the limits we set for ourselves as individuals. They protect our sense of personal identity and help guard against being overwhelmed by the demands of others. Healthy boundaries also increase our ability to find inner strength and bounce back from difficulties. It defines our resilience. Boundaries create the personal space needed for decision-making and goal setting.

If we fail to set boundaries, others can easily take advantage of us. And by allowing someone else to set boundaries for us, we can lose our sense of identity and/or control over our life. The result most likely will set us up for abusive or unhealthy relationships.