Divorcing wasn’t a option back then because most of the husband was the bread winner so with all the children that was conceived during the course of the marriage. It just didn’t make since for a woman to just up and leave in their eyes. But the thing is most our grandfather’s and father’s didn’t teach their son’s that cheating isn’t loyalty. Because a outsider was brought into the marriage which the name was called mistress back in the day. So that’s how the generational curse became alive today. Cheating just became a habit. Because no one taught the son’s at a young age that infidelity is wrong. No woman should get cheating on or mistreated or lied to by any means. So many people in today’s world are not taking relationship serious anymore. No one wants to break the cycle. Don’t get me wrong I see a few couples that do value their marriage/relationship and their bond is so strong that they do not allow outsiders in their circle. Their bond is just that tight. Then other couples deal with their mate cheating, telling lies, being very disrespectful, lacking communication, and lacking being committed to one another.
Every year I look at my age and say wow I’m getting older, Will I ever have at least one successful relationship that leads to a promising marriage without a care if the world. To actually have someone that I have to question their loyalty towards me. Even though our ancestors lack teaching the true meaning about how important loyalty is today men can break the cycle and really put the puzzle back together when it comes to their marriage/relationship. And the women can learn how to practice on how to be a good woman/wife to their man. To have the courage to keeping the household together to actually taking on the role of their grandmother’s. Again not the part to tolerate cheating but to tap into the inner strength that they have and be a woman of honor that people can actually respect