An Unhealthy Diet
Overeating or drinking too much alcohol during the holidays is common. Eating too much can lead you to feel bad about yourself and hangovers will leave you feeling awful and at times, full of regrets, and possibly leading to holiday depression syndrome.
How to Beat It: One way to stop the holiday blues is by reminding yourself that this season is about more than engorging in food and drink. When you have countless events to attend, make the occasion about creating connections, rather than about eating and drinking too much. Moreover, don’t feel bad about saying no to an event, especially if you are sure it will lead to overeating or too much drinking.
Not Making Time for Yourself
You can get lost in all the activities and prioritize everyone else’s needs over yours, but even if this season is the time for giving, you need to be kind to yourself too.
How to Beat It: Getting better sleep, being out in nature, moving your body, and coming up with your own traditions are some of the ways you can feel content.
The Importance of Understanding Holiday Depression Syndrome
“Comparing the holiday blues to a depressive disorder is like comparing a cold to pneumonia.
Nevertheless, it is important to understand how you are feeling.
Sometimes, being reassured by the company of your loved ones is enough to beat holiday depression syndrome.
But at other times, you need professional help.
So if you are struggling with depression this holiday season, please reach out for help