MsKimoraNuBraxton723: Thank You
MsQG: Because there are too many people that would like to function in IMVU without begging and you give them the opportunity to make a living.
MsKimoraNuBraxton723: We also are a not for profit business
MsQG: Can't ask for more then that. But I tell you this, I"m gonna do all i can to spread the word about you and your work that you're doing in the Community.
MsKimoraNuBraxton723: Thank you so very much
MsQG: People come to me all the time looking for work
MsKimoraNuBraxton723: Oh yes please. Send them my way. Some people don't understand the hard work behind it. I have to maintain 3 vip accounts been doing so for 7 yrs alone to pay out 100 to 150k a week for business I do not make a dime from and I can assure you my buildings are top notch.
MsQG: So you all out there in the IMVU community , I hope you are reading this. GHETTO SUCCESS IS HIRING. If you or anyone you know don't mind a little work . Go check out MsKimoraNuBraxton728 at her corporate office. My staff will treat everyone with respect an patience. There will be a link in this article to make sure you can get there
MsKimoraNuBraxton723: Claps yes
MsQG: Kimora is there anything else you want or need to say before we end this ?
MsKimoraNuBraxton723: Yes
MsQG: Please be my guest.