Platinum Advertisement Magazine Jan/Feb 2019 Vol 40 | Page 21

BuNNzGarcia: I have been looking into workout wear that's still on the table so I don't want to jinx it .. we have a toys for tots drive going on where all the members of H33lz will go around to different adoption rooms and kid areas passing out gifts. We do it every year so please be looking for us and if you have a kids room you would love to tell us about for this year please do.

MsQG: Now Let's talk about your editing. How Long have you been editing? I've seen some of your work where you put the avi head on real bodies. What is that called? And very nice work i might add.

BuNNzGarcia: Yes I do all of my edits for my modeling and videos a few of my artist know how to also so it makes the flow of are creativity blend ,, one of my fun edits I do for my self is called body morphin where you will see that the body looks more real for the avi it takes some time an you need to really pay close attention when doing these edits 1 bad move can turn into a redo fast.

MsQG: Well we have covered a lot, And I thank you for joining me...Is there anything you would like to say before we end this?

BuNNzGarcia: It has been an honor and pleasure to be here: yes i would like to say , H33lz on Deck thanks every last one of our team members and staff creators, models artist ,host and you can always find good music and fun with us on our You Tube page at h33lzondeck.

MsQG: It's been a honor to have you. To the IMVU community, LOOK OUT 2019 BunnzGarcia has arrived.