Editoral Page
Welcome to our editorial page where we share our readers comments on the magazine or specific articles. We hope you enjoy this issue of Platinum Magazine and look forward to your comments, suggestions, and ideas. Once again, thank you for your support and taking time to read Platinum.
GinelleLegend - Writer/Editor of Platinum
Platinum Magazine
"Loved this addition of the mag (Nov/Dec), it hit home on so many levels for me! You made me think, reminisce, enjoy, and focus on the important things in my life (IMVU & real)! Thank you for being so informative and up to date! I'm posting this edition to facebook for sure! ty ty ty!!!."
Platinum Magazine
For a while, I didn't read the mag until recently. I noticed a couple articles by some people I am acquainted with and decided to check it out. So, I spent a few days going through it in between waiting for friends to log on. It is an interesting read. It's very professional and informative. Keep me on your mail out list.
Anonymously anonymous
(requested that we not use their name)