Platinum Advertisement Magazine April 2015 vol 12 | Page 63

Helo imvu community. As you know we here at Platinum Advertisement Magazine love getting informative information out to the imvu community.

MrsQG4EVA: I'm sitting here with EmperorKingWoodson.

MrsQG4EVA: Gm Emperor.

EmperorKingWoodson: Gm MrsQG4EVA

MrsQG4EVA: Do you mind telling the imvu community about your promotion company and what you do there ?

EmperorKingWoodson: I promote Creators and their work , by having parties , putting badges on my profile and wearing their product.

EmperorKingWoodson: I also show case their work when asked .

MrsQG4EVA: When you showcase their work, do you have fashion shows ?

EmperorKingWoodson: i have never done a fashion show .... but i would love to be in one

MrsQG4EVA: Do you mind mentioning some of the creators whom work you've showcased?

EmperorKingWoodson: mikes custom bling, i have on the jewlery he makes for me

EmperorKingWoodson: HNS she does my personal rooms and furniture

EmperorKingWoodson: EMPRESSJEWELHEARTED . make my clothes

MrsQG4EVA: See i know the community and they want to know in detail what it is you do. Can you tell us the name of your company

EmperorKingWoodson: E.K.W Entertainment...

MrsQG4EVA: So you pretty much just have parties ?

EmperorKingWoodson: i do walk around in the rooms that i promote... take down orders if they would like to have something made and put in their orders

MrsQG4EVA: Can you tell us about any future plans you may have for expanding your company ?

EmperorKingWoodson: the parties are for showcasing the other products

EmperorKingWoodson: ummm ... i would like to get in the business of creating my own products soon

MrsQG4EVA: Do you create ?

EmperorKingWoodson: sooo... with that i hope to grow as a creator aswell as a promoter

EmperorKingWoodson: im in the learning stage now

MrsQG4EVA: Are you going to an institution to learn ?

EmperorKingWoodson: soon i hope I will be flooding imvu with my jewlery.

EmperorKingWoodson: yes

MrsQG4EVAMrsQG4EVA : Where ?

EmperorKingWoodson: My ExWife ... shes gonna set it up for me , we are still friends ... so i hope it goes well

MrsQG4EVA: Well ty for letting us peek into your world. And i hope all goes well for you.

EmperorKingWoodson: ty for having me . i really enjoyed this