Platinum Advertisement Magazine April 2015 vol 12 | Page 27

Hello imvu. I'm sitting here with NettieblkSoDvine.

NettieblkSoDvine: hello `wave

MrsQG4EVA: This is a interesting and very intelligent sister.

NettieblkSoDvine: aww well ty for having me Q :)

MrsQG4EVA: Thank you for joining us.

MrsQG4EVA: Nettie I'd like you to tell the imvu community about our group, SAFL. How it came to be. ?

NettieblkSoDvine: Well the group originated in 2012

NettieblkSoDvine: The owner at the time was flirtso authentik

MrsQG4EVA: mhm

NettieblkSoDvine: I became member and owner in march 2013 about 6months when the group open

NettieblkSoDvine: It was given to me to revive it and take it to the level it needed to be

MrsQG4EVA: I got to say

MrsQG4EVA: You're doing a great job at too sis

NettieblkSoDvine: The vision was based on sisterhood. Empowerment

NettieblkSoDvine: and being the sassy sexy women we are

NettieblkSoDvine: ty Q I just wanted to bring it to imvu and show everyone.

MrsQG4EVA: Can you tell the community what SAFL stands for ?

NettieblkSoDvine: that women can be ladies and handle their business at the same dang on

MrsQG4EVA: mhm ...

NettieblkSoDvine: SuchAFrknlady is what SAFL stands for

MrsQG4EVA: Now

MrsQG4EVA: Let's talk about what SAFL does for the imvu community.

MrsQG4EVA: What type of events do they have to benefit community ?

NettieblkSoDvine: Well 1st of all SAFL is a Social group