Platinum Advertisement Magazine April 2015 vol 12 | Page 16

EmpressMiraVAtreyu: this has to be done every visit (posting the links) - This is how we keep track of who we helped and what we gave, besides a ledger that is kept as a back up

MrsQG4EVA: mhm

EmpressMiraVAtreyu: (3) fill out the application process under the discussion board

EmpressMiraVAtreyu: It's that sinple

EmpressMiraVAtreyu: We do the rest

MrsQG4EVA: ok....

MrsQG4EVA: Sounds simple enough

EmpressMiraVAtreyu: As soon as we verify that the 3 steps have been followed we gift them the things they want

MrsQG4EVA: This is a wonderful thing you're doing

EmpressMiraVAtreyu: We don't give any weapons of any kind or anything that could hurt another person

EmpressMiraVAtreyu: Ty so kindly

MrsQG4EVA: We here at Platinum are all about getting informative information like this out to the community.

MrsQG4EVA: So we ty for sharing this with us

EmpressMiraVAtreyu: We help as much as we can

EmpressMiraVAtreyu: And if there is anything that they need help with we welcome them to come and see if we can help

MrsQG4EVA: Is there anything else you'd like to share with us before we end this ?

EmpressMiraVAtreyu: Yes we take donations to help with the gifting and any donations given can be sent to myself or TristianTiberius. he is the manager and co owner.

MrsQG4EVA: Thank you again EmpressMiraVAtreyu