Platinum Advertisement Jan/Feb 2021 Vol52 | Page 12

Most people come to imvu to make it better then their real, or maybe to get away from the negativity of the real world. So when people bring that negative energy to this fantasy world, which is suppose to be fun, peaceful and happy, it then becomes just what you're trying to get away from.

As for me I'm not tolerating none of that in my world in 2021. If that means cutting ties with people that bring that sort of thing to my imvu life then so be it. Gonna live my imvu life the way I choose too, and I suggest that everyone else does too. Don't let anyone dictate to you how you should play your game. That would only suit the way they feel it should be. It's your game, your life.

Whenever I am faced with someone spreading negativity in my relationship, I remember the old saying, 'Misery loves company.' I am also reminded to be mindful of the company you keep. Sometimes you cannot see a hater until you are happy. It is then that they demonstrate their negativity. I'm choosing to let Misery know that I can't have any Company...Keep it moving.

I don't like any kind of negativity. I try to be good to everyone, whether it's a love, a friend, my kids or an ex. I'll always try to treat people the way I want to be treated.

Stop feeling guilty for removing yourself from toxic situations, There comes a point when doing what is best for you isn't selfish, it's NECESSARY.