Not only does the trash and litter in the oceans look bad, but in fact it is extremely detrimental to the species that live in the surrounding habitats that it invades.
One of the many examples is the case of the sea turtle. Sea turtles eat jellyfish. Guess what plastic grocery bags look like if they are floating upside down under water? Yup. Sea turtles eat the TOXIC PLASTIC BAGS floating in the water because they think it is thier food.
Another example could be a bird who flies by some loose bottle caps floating on the water. They pick up and swallow these bottle caps thinking they are bugs, or small fish. They also eat tiny little pieces of plastc that are floating as well, thinking they are surface hopping insects.
Both the birds and the turtles choke to death when they eat the hazardous materials. It is tragic.
How it effects the
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