Plastic Ocean Jun. 2014 | страница 2


"Except for the small amounts that's been incinerated - and it is a small amount - every bit of plastic ever made still exist." (21)

Ocean makes up 97 percent of the Earth's water. It feeds and sustain us. Most of the oxygen is generated by the see. Also it drives our wether and climate. But we are poisining our ocean with hunderds of millions of tons plastic. (14) Plastic is 90 percent of all trash floarting on the ocean's surface. Plastic is not biodegrable. In fact it takes 500 to 1000 years to degrade. So it is only breaking up into more little pieces. Even if we cannot see them, there are still there for example in dust. because of this there are 46000 pieces per square mile in the ocean. The small segments of a plastic bottle could spray out every mile of the beach on the whole world. (11)

In th elast 10 years we have produced more plastic than in the whole last century. And 50 percent of the plastic we use, we use it only once and then throw it away.(1).

Every year we throw enough plastic away to circle the earth four times. currently we recover only five percent of the platic we produce. (22) Our ocean has to suffer because of this. It causes health effects and deaths of marine mammals (look at page 8-11). Plastic in the oceas is a global problem. It is found in all of the major oceans. Because if platic gets already int he ocean it does not count from where, becasue it will get influenced by the global currents. And plastic in the ocean is travelling fast distances. It does not respect international boundaries and has invaded even the most remote places. (4)

This is a photo of plastic in the Oocean. (17)

"The fact is that it doesn’t matter where you live, plastic waste is pervasive, pernicious and persistent. It reaches every part of the planet and it is all of our responsibilities to resolve this issue." (4)

Researcher found that in the middle of the Norh Pacific there are six punds of plastic for every one pound of algae. Plastic could get eaten by animlas or it can rinse ont he beach. (12)