This template is designed for a shaded area that receives 3-5 hours of sun . The approximate planting size is 8 ’ x14 ’. The plant selections are tailored for moderate moisture soil conditions . The plants were chosen for their stunning beauty , the significant benefits they offer to local wildlife , and their ability to create a thriving ecosystem in the landscape . We hope this template will be useful when determining layout and spacing in your garden setting .
( 3-5 hours of sun , moderate moisture soil conditions , 8 ’ x14 ’, approximate planting area )
A . White Wood Aster Eurybia divaricata ( 3 )
1½-2½ ’ width , 1-3 ’ height
B . Southern Shield Fern Thelypteris normalis ( 6 )
2-4 ’ width , 2-4 ’ height
C . Wild Bergamot Monarda fistulosa ( 7 )
2-3 ’ width , 2-4 ’ height
D . Stokes ’ Aster Stokesia laevis ( 12 )
1-1½ ’ width , 1-2 ’ height
Shade Garden
* Artistic rendering is not to scale
E . Woodland Phlox Phlox divaricata ( 17 )
1-2 width , ½-1 ’ height