Climbing jacks
are an extremely
manner of lifting
heavy loads to the
required height up
to a maximum of
necessary to bear in mind that solutions
are often a matter of ‘horses for
courses’ because there are a lot of
factors that need to be considered,
which again is why a thorough
assessment is required.
“Alternative handling solutions are
all actually ‘engineered solutions’ and
there needs to be a comprehensive
understanding of the equipment and
methodology limitations as well as
what can be achieved individually
or by combining more than one in a
single solution. This is why upfront
engineering is so important when
it comes to taking on lifting and
handling projects,” says Yaman.
Yaman highlights some of the
alternative technologies that can be
brought into play when project options
are examined at an early stage. In a
recent proposal, the company was
able to apply jacking and sliding
techniques to moving
Upfront engineering on a tandem bridge lift by Johnson Crane Hire saw the lifting
project successfully completed.
JUNE 2019