Plant Equipment and Hire June 2019 | Page 24

ON THE GROUND UPFRONT ENGINEERING SAVES TIME AND MONEY By Tarren Bolton | All images by Johnson Crane Hire Heavy lifting capacity of modern mobile cranes is revolutionising industrial project roll-out, with complete structures now being moved and lifted. G aining full benefit from this trend, however, needs careful and early planning, warns Johnson Crane Hire National Sales Executive, Peter Yaman. “Taking advantage of today’s advanced lifting and moving technology needs a thorough assessment of lifting options, and this needs to be done as early in the project life cycle as possible,” says Yaman. “For this reason, Johnson Crane Hire offers customers our ‘upfront engineering’ service to fully explore which solution will be safest, quickest and most cost effective for the specific project.” He notes that South Africa did not historically have much capacity to deal with abnormally wide, high or heavy items and many of the country’s road routes were not conducive to transporting them. 22 JUNE 2019 “Our whole construction methodology was therefore aimed at much smaller components, which could be more easily transported, and then lifted by smaller cranes,” he says. “The downside, of course, is that the ‘stick-build’ required on site brought a range of risks and costs. Working at height is always hazardous and assembly on site generally takes much longer than in a purpose-designed manufacturing facility.” Yaman notes that it is usually preferable to build an engineered structure or component in a factory environment where manufacturing conditions are more controlled. Here, there are better quality controls, and testing can be conducted before the item leaves the facility for site. “This is generally a lower-risk option than fabricating the item on site, especially where factors like adverse