• The bottom block is made up of
many internal components that
are critical to carrying your loads.
The Hook/Shank Inspection is
designed to look for wear and
cracks that could lead to failure
in any of these components.
Serviceability of the safety latch
is critical for accident prevention.
Apart from that, the sheave
wheels, bearings and covers are
also inspected to determine if
lubrication is sufficient and that
components match.
• The RopeQ Magnetic Rope
Inspection has been designed
to assess the condition of a wire
rope. This is done by a deeper
assessment than the usual
visual inspection. Purpose build
equipment and software assess
and report defects on and inside
the wire rope, including worn or
broken wires, strands and core
that are not readily visible.
• The Crane Reliability Study looks
at the current condition and
remaining life of your crane. A
team of trained and experienced
Konecranes specialists gather
detailed information about your
crane, perform an inspection using
specialised tools and methods and
conduct an engineering analysis.
Calculations are based on the
designed duty, actual duty, age
and service history of the crane
and reporting will suggest some
dates on which certain machines
should be overhauled or replaced.
Geometric analysis
Geometric Analysis developed by
Konecranes, work together for a total
look at crane and runway geometry.
Cranes that are running straight,
square and are aligned, experience
less repair costs and are more reliable.
The two parts of this service include
RailQ and CraneQ.
RailQ Runway Survey typically
utilises a remote-controlled robot
trolley which runs along the rail and
the surveying equipment gathers
A team of trained and experienced specialists gather detailed information about your
crane, perform an inspection using specialised tools and methods and conduct an
engineering analysis.
This data allows customers to make informed
decisions on maintenance, production and operations
to decrease downtime and increase the productivity
of cranes.”
information as the robot is remotely
run down each rail of the gantry.
The analysed data is processed and
presented in reports which help
visualise problem areas.
CraneQ Crane Geometric Survey
utilises the same surveying equipment
to gather information on the travel
wheels of the crane. The analysed data
is processed and presented in reports
which help visualise details on the
alignment of wheels and the square of
the crane.
Truconnect Remote Monitoring
facilitates remote monitoring and
reporting on a crane’s performance
as well as the operator’s handling of
the crane. This can either be done live
through online access, with alerts via
mobile phone or reported monthly
via email. This data allows customers
to make informed decisions on
maintenance, production and operations
to decrease downtime and increase the
productivity of cranes.
When it comes to parts and service,
it doesn’t matter who made your crane;
Konecranes offer genuine Konecranes
spare parts as well as replacement parts
for all other makes and models.
JUNE 2019